
Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Doll Clothes

The handmade doll clothes

The little suitcases for the clothes.
Stella opening her presents.

Kendall opening her doll (that's Nyla in the background!)

I haven't had any time to make my paper crafts, but have been busy shopping, wrapping, baking and sewing for our family Christmas we had yesterday! I did not get all my gifts made and it upsets me that I did not allow enough time! I spent all day Friday, from 6:30 am until 4:15 pm, just wrapping. We only did gifts for the grandkids this year, 13 of the little "buggers". I did manage to make some doll clothes for the 2 almost 3 year olds, Stella and Kendall. I made them very simple so they could easily get them on and off. I found the cutest little "suitcases" at Hobbylobby for them to put the clothes in. These are the kind of presents I LOVE to give...homemade from the heart! I will be sharing several of my kiddo's photos until I get more paper items done! I am working on some Valentine projects now and a few "swap" pieces!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT!!!!

    Isabelle (pseudo Mama) from
    Make friends and send and receive some gifts around the world


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