
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Support Your Local Animal Shelter & Meet JO!

JO sewing the cat beds!
The pile of cat beds we stuffed!

My friend "JO" has a heart of gold! She volunteers at our local animal shelter in Cass County in Michigan for the cats. She makes "cat beds" for all the adopted cats and kitties and even some for the ones that are still residents of the "county". She had a "call out" to her friends and relatives to come and help stuff the beds, 48 of them, that she had cut and sewn and all we had to do was stuff them. We got all 48 stuffed before we left, and she still has to sew the tubes to the pillows. Now all the fleece, stuffing, thread and TIME is donated by Jo, she also helps pay for spaying and neutering to help save a cats life. Please help out YOUR local shelter, even if its only a $2 donation to help pay for food, litter, toys, or health care for either a dog or a cat! All these animals need OUR help to have a happy and healthy "JO" says..."adopt a Shelter animal" a life!


  1. How cool is this!! Thanks so much for sharing this and what a beautiful thing to do!! :) HUGS

  2. That's awesome! Great job!


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