
Friday, August 21, 2009

Part Two Unity HIPHOP Hangover Garden Journal

This is part two of my Garden Journal.....I can only load 5 pictures at a this is the end...what do you think?? And yes, that is a Hummingbird in my hand, I found him laying in the garage, at that time I had a red SUV, and I guess he liked it so much he knocked himself out, I picked him up, took him outside, he flew away, a few minutes later he came back and landed on my hand, my son grabbed the camera and we got this photo, I guess he was saying "thank you"!


  1. love this, it's so pretty!! great job!

  2. Diane: Love your little chipboard book. Pictures of the garden are just lovely. You did a great job!


  3. Great mini album! I love all the different stamps used!

  4. Hello friend I think your flower shaps poject are cool loooking.

  5. Hello Daine

    Those so pertty! your blog add to my faviorties


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