
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Past Week

Sorry I have been missing for awhile :>)
I have been busy with so many things
sewing for Ebay and Etsy (not done yet)
spending time with lots of  my grandkids (there are 18 of them)
ages 6 months to 19
trying to survive the heat

I finished up my week Sunday evening at Silver Beach in St Joseph Michigan
I forget how much I LOVE that place
it's busy~its noisy~I love it!
I spent many a day there as a child
I guess my love of Lake Michigan has never stopped
I will post a few pics later.....I will have to "steal" them from my daughter
but nothing like miles and miles of beautiful beach
and the sunset on Lake Michigan.....
well its as Tim Allen says
 "Pure Michigan"!!


  1. You have been missed friend. 18 GRANDCHILDREN! WOW YOU ARE BLESSED!
    Hugs Trace

  2. Hi Diane!
    How fun to have so much family around you! hope you are having a fun summer! Come by my blog, I am having a giveaway! hugs! karen....

  3. Dear God! 18 grandchildren!!! I simply can't imagine. That is awesome. I have such a tiny family that that kind of number just amazes me. Looking forward to the pictures! Best, Curt

  4. You have a lot going on! I hope you are enjoying your summer. I love the lake too. I live near Lake Michigan on the other side, SE Wisconsin.

  5. OMG Diane, it sounds like you have been busy but a good kind of busy. Glad you had a good time!


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