
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'll be Back Soon ~ Promise!!

It's been a busy and horrific week here at Nellie's Nest....
A friend of my husbands lost 2 of his grandchildren to a car accident....
they were 6 and 9 year old little girls....
their little 4 year old sister is still in critical condition...
we attended their funeral Friday night....
the accident was on Tuesday....
on Wednesday morning a friend of ours lost his twin brother to cancer....
we attended that this morning....
it has been a trying and sad week for us....
On a good note, we attended our 4 year old granddaughters soccer game today
she was awesome and so fun to see her happy little face....
we are attending our great granddaughters 1st birthday party today...soon....
Nellie went to the vet for her lump and it is a fatty tumor....
I am so relieved for that....
I will be back with a few things after things settle down....
just wanted to let you all know!!


  1. Oh Diane what very sad news ... my thoughts are with you ...

  2. Oh Diane I am so sorry to hear of all the sadness around you ... my heart goes out to the families who are in sorrow! May God watch over them through this troubling time! On a good note (as you said) how wonderful it must have been to see the 4 & 1 year olds having fun and enjoying their precious little lives.
    You are in my thoughts!!!

  3. Oh wow, Diane, I am so sorry for all of the sadness. I am saying a prayer for the family of those two little girls and for their sister in critical condition. I'm so glad you had some happiness with your granddaughters soccer game and great granddaughters birthday party!! And good news for Nellie, too!! I'm hoping you have a better week. Hugs!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. OH my goodness Diane!! I am so sorry to hear of all this going on!! Glad you got some Happy time as well this week. Stay Strong!


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