
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salt & Pepper

Just had to share these pics my awesome photographer daughter "Lori"
took in her studio on Thursday...
First one is of my great granddaughter "Paislie" with Pepper
second is my grandson Caiden goofing off with Salt...

 and had to add these two of my granddaughter Kendall
Her friend had baby lamb twins 2 weeks ago named Salt & Pepper 
just had to share, as they are so adorable!!


  1. Awww... those photos are just amazing. Gorgeous children and Lori is very talented.
    Caroline xxx

  2. Oh wow, these are gorgeous!! She is so talented!! I love the adorable pics!! Have a great evening :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. awhhhh. how sweet is that?!! What great photos!

  4. Don't know what's cuter----the kids or the lambs. I LOVE sheep so much! What a lucky Grandma you are Diane!


  5. Oh how gorgeous!! Your daughter is a wonderful photographer ... and those children are adorable! not to mention the lambs! Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

  6. FANTASTIC! Thanks so much for sharing these fabulous photos Diane! Yes, Lori is an awesome photographer ... I was just telling my daughter about some of the photos she has taken & you have shared of that adorable little great grandbaby of yours! Your grandchildren are beautiful and these little lambs are SO CUTE!
    I can remember growing up, and we had a set of baby lambs born ... they were so adorable hopping around the barnyard!
    Thanks so much for always making me smile!!

  7. Very adorable, precious little children! Of course, love the lambs, too. Your daughter does beautiful work! Thanks so much for sharing the pics!

  8. Great pictures...I can see your daughter takes after her mom. Your grand-kids are adorable!


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