
Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Bit of This and That

This is a bit picture heavy and NO cards today
just a post of some of my flowers and the crazy weather we have had since Friday.
I haven't been online much as the storms have been horrific with lightning and
torrential downpours.
Here is a picture of our nasty weather.

Now on to more pleasant things.
I was able to grab these photos last week before all the rains.
Below is our crab apple tree coming into bloom.

Next is a Redbud tree I planted as just a tiny stick.
It grew like wildfire.

Next is a Sand Cherry bush next to the house.

Growing beside the Sand Cherry is an Oregon Gold Bush.
This came as a tiny plant from a garage sale.

These mini (and early bloomers) Iris are planted on 
my beloved Nellie dog's grave.

The last picture is of Mr and Mr's Mallard's eggs,
deposited right in the middle of my flower (weed) garden.
I was working weeding one day and had no idea they were there 
until the Mrs. flew up into my face and scared the 'bejebbers' out of me!!
But on a sad note, I peeked at them on Mother's Day and only one egg remains
and it was covered in remains of shells or anything,
so whatever got them, it carried the eggs off...sigh!

I will be back next week with more flowers to share, as they bloom...
hope I haven't bored you too much, but I LOVE my flower gardens!


  1. WOW! So pretty, love all of the blooms. You are so far ahead of us!

  2. FYI... SNAKES eat eggs whole leaving nothing behind!!!

  3. Only thing of mine blooming is the tulips and they are about done. So I am glad you shared your gorgeous garden with us. I hope the storms did not damage them too much.

  4. I welcome any and ALL flower photos! So much pretty you have blooming! We call that Oregon Grape and it's a native plant. In fact, our state flower. The irises are a beautiful tribute to Nellie. I'm sorry, I still feel pain for your loss. The duck eggs, darn. They're so vulnerable to snakes and raccoons and whatever other egg-eating critters you may have. Sad. We've been seeing lots of duck pairs wandering around on the ground looking like they don't know where they are. Probably looking for nesting sites. I was talking to Rich about your weather and wondering about it causing you to be offline. Does it knock out your internet? Satellite? Will it fry your electronics if you're on, or maybe give you a shock? We don't have that kind of electrical storms here, but in the old days I lived in places where it could blow up your phone or electrocute you. Like I say, that was the old days...

  5. Oh my gosh, that is a scary picture of the weather!! Any time there's that much red, you know it's bad :( Your pictures are stunning!! Wow!! Your flowers and trees look so beautiful!! And I'm so sad about the eggs :( Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. Gorgeous - I can only imagine how beautiful your yard is. We are just beginning to see a green haze of leaves on the horizon. Still a lot of bare trees. But it's coming.......slooowly.


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