
Thursday, June 1, 2023

NEW Monthly Challenge Blog


Well, my partner in crime and BFF have done it again!!

Dar and I have a NEW challenge blog starting July 7th
and it's all about being SIMPLY CLEAN & SIMPLE!
It will start on the first Friday of each month and end the 28th of the month
with an overall winner and a Top 3 being announced the Thursday before the
next challenge begins.  Sound fun?  You betcha as not only are Dar and I on the team
but we have two very talented and awesome friends joining us that are CAS queens!!

As you know Dar and I run SEVEN other super fun challenges:

Double D
Four Seasons
Crazy Is Our Fame, Stencils Are Our Game (Stencil Fun)
Peace On Earth
Can You Handle The Pressure
Two Old Bats
Triple B

So, you might think we are a bit nuts and you are probably right
but we just couldn't resist another challenge!
We hope to see YOU at our debut on July 7th!!


  1. Such enthousiast crafters and maybe a bit nuts indeed...You both are bringing so much crafting fun! Thanks a lot Diane and Darlene and I will be joining in as much as possible!
    Lia xx

  2. I do think you two are a tiny bit nuts to run ALL these challenges but oh my goodness I am so grateful for you!! Loving a CAS design so I'll be joining in with this fabulous new challenge. Thank you Diane! Vicky x

  3. I just saw this on Darlene's blog and now I'm following with Feedly. You two make life more fun for everyone!


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