
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Peace On Earth Challenge #52

Peace On Earth has a new challenge beginning today
and we have a pretty mood board to inspire if you wish
but you can create anything as long as it is Christmas themed. 

I always tend to let the  mood boards inspire me
and as soon as I saw this board I knew I had the perfect
designer paper for it from Recollections A Winters Night.
The tag is part of the paper pack.  I added a few gems for some sparkle
but other then that, the card is complete!
This time of year when the holidays are fast
approaching, it is always good to be able to create
 a simple and easy card that still looks beautiful!!

Make sure to visit Peace On Earth as the teams always have
more beautiful inspiration!!


  1. This is so lovely, these colours, the design and image make a gorgeous card ♥

  2. Loving the background which compliments the pretty tag element gorgeous x

  3. WOW ... that was the PERFECT paper! What a fabulous scenery card! Quick too ... ya gotta love when that happens!

  4. Oh that paper is perfect for sure and I do love your added sparkle to it!

  5. Yes, it is perfect - and perfectly gorgeous! Wouldn't it be a delightful surprise to come across decorated trees in the forest?

  6. The gorgeous mood board makes me feel like making a Lavinia card, but not sure if the time is there. I love your card with the designer paper. You know I'm a fan!

  7. This is just beautiful with all those trees in the background and the prominent little tree tag up front on the corner! Great take on the challenge!


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