
Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Great Granddaughter Little Miss Paislie

Yes, I know, I am too young to be a great grandma...but I am, and don't regret it all...
I am just happy I am young enough to be able to enjoy this little sweetie...
My son had his daughter very young, but sometimes thing have a wonderful way of working out... daughter Lori is an awesome photographer....
she has her own studio in our town, and does the best baby pictures ever....
here are a few she took of my Little Miss Paislie for Valentines Day....

Yes, they are copyrighted...but she won't care if I share them with you..
Little Miss Paislie was one in September and has a baby brother due in March

In one of the photo's she is showing off her belly, imitating her Momma


  1. how stinkin cute!! You are a lucky Grandma!

  2. OH MY STARS! What a cutie patootie!! Your daughter is a very good photographer ... gorgeous photos! And yes you are too young to be a GREAT GRANNY but I'm glad you get to enjoy these wonderful moments with them!
    My granddaughter is almost 21 ... I could be exchanging granny notes anytime too! HUGS to you my friend!

  3. Oh my gosh, she is so sweet!! What gorgeous pictures!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts


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