
Friday, February 1, 2013

Grow Your Blog Party Giveaways Winners!!!!

I used to choose my winners of the Grow Your Blog Party....
I tried to copy the picture of the actual numbers that came up....
but couldn't figure out how to do it...
the winner of the papercaft gift is Donna from Donna's Designs
and the winner of the home decor item is Patty from Patty's Pretty Things
It will a bit before I mail these gifts out, as we are in the middle of a lake effect snowstorm
and as I live in the country, I am stayng put til it is better driving.....
and to think it was 60's here on is to be 8 degrees tonight...
Congrats ladies...I have left you each a message.....
thanks to all that have visited my blog and left comments and became a follower
I appreciate it so much..
I will be having other giveawyas here and there, so be sure to come back for a visit!!
and if I haven't visited you yet, I will...I am so slow
as I have to many irons in the fire as they!!!


  1. Thank you Diane. I am so excited!

  2. Congrats to the winners! Email me Diane I'll step you through how to show the pictures from

  3. Hi Diane,

    I am going to send you an email right now. Your crafts are gorgeous!


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