Sunday, June 16, 2024

Peace On Earth Challenge #66

 The year is half over can you believe it?
It brings us to a new challenge at Peace On Earth
and if you have been playing along with us each month
your Christmas card stash should be growing!!

We have a fun inspiration board but you can create anything
as long as it is Christmas themed!

I normally always let the board inspire me and I loved 
those fun trees on the bottom left.
The die cut trees are from a Sizzix/Hero Arts set I have never used,
which I decorated with some gingham ribbon and a few
gems.  The designer paper is the back of a beautiful Mintay paper
I hated covering up, but it worked too well for my card not to.
I used a The Greetery Wood Slices (part of) for my trees to rest on.
The sentiment is from Hero Arts.

Come visit us at Peace On Earth and join in with us too!!


Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

A great take on the mood board. I love the touch of bling and gingham xxx

Darlene said...

Awesome take on the mood board Di and love those little decorated trees! Too cute! Great holiday inspiration!

Elaine aka Ellapu said...

The trees are gorgeous and such beautiful bows x

Leslie Miller said...

I absolutely love the simplicity of this, Diane! Primitive and charming! Great mood board with all that wonderful green.

Susan said...

What a perfect take on our Peace on Earth mood board! Love the little trees and the wood background.